MGF Architekten

German Embassy Tokyo

Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Perspektive Aussen bei Nacht
  • locationTokio
  • year2006
  • clientBRD, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen
  • BGF3.700 m2
  • BRI14.900 m3
Current Image

Embassy building

Proximity through distance: by resolving the apparent contradiction between this pair of opposites, the chancellery building of the German embassy in Tokyo seeks to fulfil its appointed role as a confident mediator and bearer of Federal German values and ideas, at the same time exercising all due restraint towards the host country, Japan.

Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Grundriss 1. OG
Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Ansicht von Garten aus

A central hall rising through all storeys facilitates the ingress of daylight to the very heart of the building. The foyer and a room for various activities on the entrance level can be joined together to form a large events space.

The facade construction integrates the requisite external sunshading, which is operated by a control system that responds to different weather conditions. The external skin consists of large areas of glazing in aluminium frame elements.

Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Lichthof Atrium
Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Lichthof Atrium Terrasse
Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Fassade geschlossen
Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Fassade offen
Deutsche Botschaft Tokio Perspektive von Strasse aus