We are MGF Architekten
Our designs reveal a sense of order and functional quality. The personal inspiration for every individual project means that all our buildings are unique!
"Natural materials, slender and threadlike openings, almost incorporal ahells. These are the elements that constitute MGF Architect´s structural lexicon and generate images that cling to memory as incisively as a photo."
Dr. Lina Malfona, Professor Sapienza Università di Roma
KörberHaus Bergedorf I BDA Hamburg Architecture Award 2024
KörberHaus Bergedorf I Architektur in Hamburg Jahrbuch 2024/25
1st Prize I competitionline Ranking spezial:
Kindergärten und Vorschulen 2023
09/24 I Feierlicher erster Spatenstich, Kita Seedorf Dunningen
Honorable Mention Holzbaupreis Rheinland-Pfalz 2024 I
Sporthallen Trier-West und Feyen
4th Prize I competitionline Ranking 2023
12/24 I 2nd Prize Lindachareal, Leinfelden-Echterdingen
07/24 I 2nd Prize Zentralbereich Gaisbach, Künzelsau
07/24 I Honorable Mention Bildungscampus West Baufeld G, Heilbronn

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